MARY Christmas (Part 3)

(Part 3)


I hope you’re having an amazing Christmas today celebrating our Savior’s birth.
To think that the King of kings
chose to leave the perfection of a grandiose kingdom
and invade our sinful world with love
and a plan for redemption is mind-boggling.

I’m still thinking about Mary and want to pass on some lessons
I’m learning that I hope will challenge you today:

Mary allowed God to make good things from her mistakes.
Twelve years after Christ was born, Mary lost Him!
She and Joseph thought Jesus was somewhere in the caravan of family and friends they were traveling with, but she soon discovered He was missing. Yet Jesus was exactly where He was supposed to be—at the temple. Mary maintained a teachable spirit and learned more about her Son from this incident.

Will you, too, have a teachable spirit?
I’m guessing this has to be one of the most important things to God. Obedience and a teachable spirit.

Mary pondered things and kept them in her heart.
What’s inside YOUR heart?
Will you determine to make time to ponder some stuff this Christmas?

Instead of doing all the talking, consider being quiet for a while.
Think about Christ’s birth and all that it means.

Be willing to ponder some things as Mary did.

Learn to become comfortable with silence.

Start a journal.
Memorize some Scripture.
Learn to truly meditate on God’s holy Word this Christmas.

God’s best servants are often plain people who are available to Him. Mary was available. Are you?

God’s plans involve extraordinary events in ordinary people.

This Christmas, will you let Him use you in a way He’s never used you before?

Give God a merry Christmas by asking Him to help you celebrate a Mary Christmas.

And if you’re wondering what to give the King of kings on His birthday . . . the very best gift is always yourself.



9 replies
  1. Parineeti Watch
    Parineeti Watch says:

    Avi, jo li hauria deixat anar un que puc portar a la Maria?? només per tocar els nassos, sense cap intenció de portar-la realment…o potser si, depèn de com es toqui més los ous!XD

  2. Anupama desi Serial
    Anupama desi Serial says:

    Hi Marit,I just love your little mug rugs. I don’t have a sewing machine or supplies on board the ship so I am working on something similar in knit. I have one ball of cotton yarn left so am working up a pattern. It’ll be a glorified coaster, not nearly as cute as your mug rugs, but you get the credit for the idea of making something just large enough to use for both a coaster and a little snack. Hugs,Lois

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