Jesus was teaching in the synagogue. And guess what—
when Jesus goes to church, stuff happens!

We’re jumping inside of Luke 13:10-13. There was a woman at the
synagogue listening to Jesus teach. She wasn’t like the other women. She
was bent over. And Dr. Luke tells us she’d been like this for 18 years.

Eighteen years can fly by when you’re living in joy.
But when just walking out of your house in the morning is excruciatingly
painful, 18 years can seem like forever.

Let’s go to Scripture:

“On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues,
and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen
years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all.”
(Luke 13:10-11 NIV).

But Jesus saw her.
I wonder how many years she had been coming to church? How long had
people become so accustomed to seeing her in that bent-over shape that
they no longer even acknowledged her situation?

But Jesus refused to look past her.
It would be a great idea for us to thank Him for always seeing us!

“When Jesus saw her, he called her forward. . . .” (Luke 13:12 NIV)

After seeing her, He called her. And He called her forward.
Jesus has a call on your life, too! Of all the calls you’ll experience, the call
of Christ is the most important.

And where does He call you? He calls you forward. Jesus is always calling
us forward to Him. Greater intimacy. More depth. Spiritual oneness with

Take a quick inventory of your life in the past few days. Have you moved
forward spiritually? Is something keeping you from moving forward?

Let’s read more:

“. . . and said to her, ‘Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.’
Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up
and praised God.” (Luke 13:12-13 NIV)

When we began the story, this woman was so bent she couldn’t look up.
When we end the story, she’s standing straight. She’s in perfect alignment
with Jesus. And because of that, she’s praising Him.

The truth is, Jesus doesn’t want any of us to live life bent. He wants us in
perfect alignment with Him.

Could there be a bent area in your life?
It doesn’t really matter how long you’ve been crooked, the good news is
that Christ yearns to enable you to stand straight, move forward and live in
perfect alignment with Him.

Maybe you’re bent in shame. Perhaps abuse has made you crooked. Or
guilt has kept you bent. Maybe people said untrue things about you, and
that has caused a deep bent in your life.

But deep inside . . . you’re yearning to stand up straight.
Jesus sees you.
He calls you.
He calls you forward.
He wants to bring you into perfect alignment with Him.

There’s not a better time than right now!

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This past Sunday I spoke in Whitney, Texas. It’s a wonderful little country
church about five hours from where I live in OKC that’s waiting on a new
pastor. Even though I was only gone for one night, this has been my first
overnight speaking engagement in months. I loved being there.

I’ve had more cancelations in my fall schedule just this week. So please
continue to pray that God will open doors for me to share His Word.

If you feel led to give financially to the ministry which God has called me,
you can send a check to Susie Shellenberger Ministries, 7012 N. Lake
Front Drive, Warr Acres, OK 73132 and I’ll send you a tax donation receipt
because I’m a 501-C3 non-profit. Or you can go to my Website: and use PayPal. The most important way you can
help, however, is by praying for me! God is in control. And He is so very,
very faithful.