I’ve always admired those little “smart cars” and have longed to drive
one. They remind me of the old-fashioned bumper cars
I used to ride at the amusement park when I was a child.
So when a friend of mine got a smart car, I longingly looked inside,
admired it, and secretly wished I could get one.
I’ve often thought it would be really fun to own some land—
a few acres . . . or even one acre . . . a place where my dogs Obie
and Amos could just go crazy. When a friend of mine moved onto 40
acres and built a new home, I found myself wanting that as well.
I’ve wondered what it would be like to have a padded bank account
and be free from the concern of meticulous budgeting. And when my
friend’s husband got a promotion and began bringing in six figures,
I dreamed of what that would be like.
God tells us in Exodus 20:17 that we’re not to covet.
What exactly does it mean to covet?
According to the dictionary:
“to desire wrongfully, inordinately,
or without due regard for the rights of others.”
Although I wasn’t exactly coveting these things I’ve mentioned,
I’ve recently felt checked by the Holy Spirit about even desiring
things that others have, because it takes my focus off of God.
Jesus was having an all-important conversation with Peter.
He was actually pulling back the curtain to Peter’s future and
revealing the life, ministry and death Peter would experience.
But Peter, looking around, saw John and asked about him.
“Peter asked Jesus, ‘What about him, Lord?’ “
(John 21:21 New Living Translation)
It may be natural to compare our lives with others—
but it’s not God’s will. His desire is that we remain
clearly focused on Him.
I confess I sometimes look at the ministry someone else has
and wonder why the ministry God has given me doesn’t
look like that.
Or I wish I had a spiritual gift I see in another.
But God is teaching me to keep my eyes on Him and to be grateful
for the specific ministry He has given me.
Dear Jesus, help me to be grateful for what I have remain
solely focused on You.
I’d appreciate your prayers as I speak in Sharpsburg, IN
this weekend.