S-l-o-w. Down.

I admit it; I’m wired for speed. I think fast, speak fast, and sometimes drive
too fast. I know I need to slow down—in everything.

Check out a couple of other people who tried to outrun speed, but their
acceleration caught up with them:

Back in 2015, a guy in Connecticut was stopped by the Vermont State
Police for going 112 mph on I-89. The driver told the trooper that he was on
his way to traffic court for a different speeding ticket.

And in 2005, a Minnesota State Patrol Pilot in a plane spotted a motorcycle
rider going 205 mph on U.S. 61. The 20-year-old son of a sheriff’s deputy
was arrested on charges of reckless driving and driving without a
motorcycle license.

Oh dear!
I think we could all benefit by slowing down.

The most important slow-down occurs when you can stop everything
else and simply spend time with Jesus.

When we make time to read the Bible each day and genuinely tune in to
God, He energizes us,
guides us,
and teaches us.

It’s when we’re STILL that we often hear His gentle, quiet whisper.

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Isaiah 46:10 NIV)

God yearns to talk with us . . .
commune with us . . .

fellowship with us . . .

“Come, let’s talk this over, says the Lord.” (Isaiah 1:18 LB)

Let’s strive to slow down this week.
Draw closer to our Father.
Enjoy fellowship with Him.

I love you!