Behind Lincoln’s Head
One of the most famous landmarks in the U.S. is Mount Rushmore. Maybe you’ve seen it. My parents took my brother and me to see this recognizable piece of history when we were in elementary school. It truly IS spectacular!
But did you know it contains a hidden secret? There’s a 70-foot-long tunnel located behind Abraham Lincoln’s head. The tunnel was created as the entrance to a Hall of Records conceived by sculptor Gutzon Borglum.
The concept involved constructing a chamber within the monument to store significant documents like the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, making them accessible via an 800-foot granite stairway that ascended from Borglum’s studio to the chamber.
Crews began construction on the 70-foot tunnel of the Hall of Records in July 1938. However, in 1939, Congress halted work on the chamber and instructed Borglum to focus on carving the presidents’ heads instead.
Two years later, in 1941, Borglum died, effectively ending the side project and leaving the Hall of Records unfinished.
Nearly 60 years later, the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Society brought part of Borglum’s vision to life by installing a box at the entrance of the chamber that contains 16 porcelain enamel panels. These panels tell the story of the United States and feature biographies of the presidents shown on Mount Rushmore. They were sealed beneath 1,200 pounds of granite capstone as a tribute to Borglum’s original vision. That’s certainly an interesting hidden tunnel, isn’t it!
Some things, however, just can’t be hidden—no matter how hard we try.
“He knows about everyone, everywhere. Everything about us is bare and wide open to the all seeing eyes of our living God; nothing can be hidden from him to whom we must explain all that we have done.”
Hebrews 4:13.
I’m grateful for a God who knows everything!
You are loved.
Pastor Susie
I hope you can join me this Sunday for the second part in our new series
“Spiritual Choices.”