Keeping it Cool

I’m so grateful for air-conditioning!
I remember riding with my family to Calif. in the summertime when I was
probably 5 years old. Our car didn’t have air-conditioning, so we drove at
night with the windows down so it would be a bit cooler.

But hot is still hot.

Phoenix often climbs up to 120 degrees in the summer. People say, “But it’s
a dry heat.” But hot is still hot.

People often say, “We could use a rain in the midst of this heat.”
But hot is still hot.

So I’m grateful for air-conditioning!

Did you know it came from a NY printing press?
It began as a way to fix a faltering printing press.

Back in 1902, Willis Carrier (an engineer) was working at a lithographing
and publishing company.

His job?
To find a solution to control the humidity levels in the plant, which were wreaking havoc on paper and ink quality.

His solution, known as the “Apparatus for Treating Air,” marked the birth of modern air-conditioning. Thank you, Willis, for cooling us off!

I’m trying not to take for granted the things for which I’m grateful.

I’m thankful for those who come to church early and turn on our air-conditioning and turn on the lights and sound.

I’m grateful for the man who mows my lawn each week.

I’m happy I have a fridge to keep my food from being spoiled.

I’m extremely thankful for the Body of Christ at Lake View Park Nazarene who love me and are committed to God and our fellowship.

I’m happy to have a brother and extended family who love me.

And I’m most grateful for my Savior who loves me
in spite of,
And all the time!

What’s something you’re thankful for today?

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
(James 1:17 NIV)

I love you.