The letter “J” wasn’t added to our alphabet until after Shakespeare died.
“J” was the 26th —and final letter—added to our ABCs.

First-edition copies of Romeo and Juliet printed Juliet with a capital I: Iuliet.

Benjamin Franklin created a new alphabet without the letters
and Y.
He created six new letters to fill the gap—one being a letter with a soft
O sound and another letter that sounded like sh.
His new alphabet was eventually abandoned.

But Theodore Roosevelt also dipped his hand in the letters game.
He removed all associations with British English. For example one word he
changed was although to altho.

It didn’t last long.
The House of Representatives shut it down.

While no lasting damage was done with tinkering with our alphabet,
we’re warned in the Book of Revelation that we’re NEVER to add or
subtract to God’s Word.

“And I solemnly declare to everyone who reads this book: If anyone
adds anything to what is written here, God shall add to him the
plagues described in this book.

“And if anyone subtracts any part of these prophecies, God shall take
away his share in the Tree of Life, and in the Holy City just described.”
(Revelation 22:18-19 LB)

As an ordained minister, I am committed to revealing, teaching, and preaching the Word of God.

We can change the method of how we present it—
but we will NEVER change the message!

You are loved!

Interested in taking a spiritual retreat with me?

Join me for a fun getaway at sea April 5-10, 2025!

Interior rooms: $718.50 per person.
Oceanview rooms: $774.50 per person.
Balcony room: $1,109.50

Bonus: Our group is getting a $100 on-board-credit for each room that can be used for off-shore excursions, tips, specialty restaurants, etc.

We’ll be sailing with Royal Caribbean and will depart from New Orleans. You’ll enjoy our private worship and teaching times—along with the ships’ variety of fun on-board shows.

If you’re interested, please contact my cruise director, Carla Pryor. She can help you with a deposit, choosing your room, and all kinds of exciting stuff!

Carla: 251-423-0900;