You may remember the Old Testament story of the widow with two
sons. It’s found in 2 Kings 4:1-7. Her deceased husband owed money, and the debt collector informed her if she didn’t pay up, he’d take her two sons as his slaves.
Elisha didn’t ask what she owed.
He asked her what she had.
“One jar of olive oil,” she said.

She had no food—only a jar of oil. She was desperate. Elisha
suggested she send her sons throughout the village to borrow as many pots and pans as they could. Then he told her to pour the oil from the jar into all the pots and pans.
She did.

Finally, all the pots and pans were filled to the brim, and she was out
of oil. He then told her to sell all the oil so she and her sons could live on the profit.

We’re not told how many pots and pans they gathered. And
whenever I’ve heard a sermon on this passage, I’ve always heard, “Just imagine how much more oil she could’ve had if they’d gathered double the amount of pots and pans! She limited what God could do.”

That’s true—if she’d gathered 100 pots and 100 pans—she would
have had more than she could have imagined. I’m guessing in her small village, her sons probably found 15 to 20 pots and pans from neighbors.

But I like the fact that the story ends with her being content instead
of her saying, “If only I would have . . .” OR “Why didn’t I . . .” OR
“What if . . .”

Whenever we hear this story, the challenge is usually to dream
bigger. Trust more. Increase your faith.

Those are wonderful challenges.

But in her small village there may not have been more pots and pans
to gather.

During this challenging time of Covid-19, I’m learning that God
simply wants me to trust Him more. In the past, I’ve prayed for Him to “enlarge my borders” as Jabez prayed in 1 Chronicles 4:10. And though there are times God wants to broaden my vision . . . there are also times. He wants me to learn contentment.

I’m used to speaking 43 weeks/weekends a year. This has come to a
sudden STOP because of Covid-19. At first, I immediately tried to plan my next step. I contacted a couple of professional videographers and got quotes on how much it would cost to video me doing five new sermons, colorful power point in the background, editing, and placing them on my Website so pastors wouldn’t have to cancel me—they could keep me on their schedule and simply click onto these online messages for their churches.

But before I put any of this into action, I reached out to a handful of
pastors asking if this would be something they’d use. The response was no. They felt their people simply needed to hear from their own pastor during this stressful time. I agree. I think that’s wise. So, I didn’t move forward.

And the more I prayed, I sensed God telling me to simply trust Him.
So, I’ve been praying that He’ll deepen my faith during this outbreak. I want to learn whatever He wants to teach me. Meanwhile, I’ll trust Him to fill the jars in my home. And as He does, I will turn to Him immediately and give thanks! I’ll be content with what He provides.

• • •

Let me know how God is filling YOUR jars during this stressful time.

And please join me in asking God to continue meeting my financial
needs. He IS faithful.

If He leads you to make a donation to Susie Shellenberger Ministries, you can mail a check to: 7012 N. Lake Front Drive; Warr Acres, OK 73132 and I’ll send you a tax donation receipt, because I’m a 501-C 3.