The Wrong Questions

A lot is happening in John chapter 6.
Jesus has multiplied bread and fish.
The disciples have climbed into their little boat
to cross the Sea of Galilee
while Jesus remains
to spend time in prayer with Father God.

A violent storm comes out of nowhere causing the
12 to fear for their lives. And just when they’re sure
they’ll never see another sunrise or sunset, they see
Jesus skipping from one storm wave to another.

He calms the sea, climbs inside the boat—
and immediately they’re where they are supposed to be—
at the other side of the lake.

Later, the crowd who experienced the multiplication
of bread and fish notice Jesus with His disciples.
They’re scratching their heads, because they know
He didn’t get in the boat and leave with them after
the fish buffet.

And because there were no other boats left on shore,
they’re naturally wondering how He arrived on this side of the sea.

So they ask Him.
“How’d You get here, Jesus?”
“We know You didn’t leave with Your disciples
last night, because we saw them row away while You
went into the mountains to pray.”
“So how’d You arrive?”

Jesus knew what was going on inside their minds.
Just 12 hours previously, they had experienced a
supernatural event—about 15,000 people had feasted

from five pieces of bread and two small fish.

They were still reeling from the dazzle of the mystery.
They salivated for more . . . more miracles, not fish.

The question underneath their question was,
“Hey, Jesus! How’d You get here? Didja create
some kind of flying boat? Didja zap something?
Show us more razzle dazzle! We want magic.”
Their questions were not about His safety
or His actual mode of travel.
Their questions revealed what was inside their hearts.

Jesus tells them they’re not asking the right questions.
He tells them instead of focusing on
the mystery of the miracle,
they should be focused instead
on doing God’s will.

“So how do we know God’s will?” they ask.

“And how do we live in God’s will?”

NOW they’re asking the right questions.

But as soon as Jesus starts to give them the answer
to the right questions, they detour and start pounding Him
with the wrong questions again.

“So will You show us another miracle?”
“Will You do something supernatural for us?”
“We want to see something miraculous,
something mysterious,
something magical and mystic.
We want more razzle dazzle.”

Jesus skipped the flash and went straight to the point.
He taught the Truth then claimed that He Himself was the Truth.
He spoke with intensity.
And it was such a strong message that people complained.

“Many of his disciples said, ‘This is very hard to understand.
How can anyone accept it?’ (John 6:60 NLT)

At that point, many of His followers deserted Him.

Here are some things to think about from this incident:
• Are you asking God the right questions?
• Do you sincerely want to grow closer to Him,
or are you simply moved by the mystery?
• Are you happy to be around the spiritual scene
when things are entertaining, dynamic and exciting—
but lose interest when the teaching becomes intense,
convicting and personal?

I just want to be where Jesus is.
Sometimes I’ll get to experience miracles in His presence.
Other times, I’ll simply sit in stillness while seemingly
nothing is happening that can be seen outwardly.
And there are times when His Spirit will convict me

through His Word or through one of His messengers.
Thought it all . . .
I just want to be in His presence . . .
asking the right questions.
And some of the right questions are always:
Jesus, will You show me how to grow closer to You?
Father, will You reveal anything in my life that’s not right?
Lord, will You increase my faith?


2 replies
  1. Deena Sanders
    Deena Sanders says:

    Loved this. Hopefully all of us, especially us senior citizens will focus on finishing well, staying in his will being the most important thing in our lives. Yes, we need miracles from time to time and he ptrovides help and healing. But to know him and be in his will continuously is my goal for my last years.

  2. Nancy Prien
    Nancy Prien says:

    I know I love the Lord and he answered my prayers. He protected all my family in the Tx hurricane. God is good. I appreciate the work you do for the Lord. . Pray for my family after the miracle saving them and their homes that their heart will give the Lord thanks. Love and appreciate you.


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