Discerning God’s Will

Last week we began chatting about finding God’s will for our lives.


#1. First, God’s will has a lot to do with our desires.

(See last week’s blog for this part.)


Let’s look at a couple more ways to know His will.


#2.  God’s will is found in God’s Word.

Simply put: God often speaks to you through the Bible. Are you reading the Bible consistently? My pastor mentioned in a recent sermon that most Christians aren’t reading the Bible. He said the majority of Christians who come to church read the Bible when it’s flashed on the screen with the morning’s message.


That’s pitiful.

If you’re NOT reading the Bible, why not? Let me give you an easy challenge: Start reading the Bible one minute every day. You’ll be surprised at the difference even one minute each day will make. And really, anyone can do that. So start there. Just one minute a day. Begin with the Gospel of John. After you’re finished with John, read Proverbs. It has 31 chapters—that’s one for each day of the month.


#3. God’s will never contradicts God’s Word.

He’s pretty clear about saving sexual intimacy until marriage. So for someone to say, “I realize that, but I’ve prayed about it, and I feel it’s OK”—that person isn’t hearing the voice of God. He or she is hearing Satan who’s disguising himself as God’s voice. Yes, he can do that. The Bible tells us he disguises himself as an angel of light. (See 2 Corinthians 11:14.)

God’s will is NOT a feeling.

Feelings come and go. They’re often unreliable, and they’re not a sound source for guidance.

Feelings can also lie. Have you ever made a decision that felt right . . . but later it proved to be the wrong thing?

Our hearts can be flakey. Even Scripture says so:

“Who can understand the human heart? There is nothing else so deceitful” (Jeremiah 17:9 TEV).

In other words, our feelings can lie to us; they play tricks on us. Satan can create feelings. So just because you had a feeling about something doesn’t mean it’s God’s will.


Next week: Something totally different


1 reply
  1. sara rivas
    sara rivas says:

    Thanks Susie! I subscribe to a couple other devotionals, but yours just feels so more personal. Thank you for these thoughts and advice, looking forward to more!


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