Neighbor Kids, a Podium and God’s Will

When I was 9 years old, I asked my dad to make me a podium so I could speak. He did. It was about three feet tall—just my size.

I used that little podium a lot. The neighborhood kids gathered in our garage, and I’d tell them stories and try different things to keep their attention.

I can’t help but laugh when I think I about that little podium—and me speaking to the neighborhood. Ha!

I wish I still had it. It would be something fun to show that Dad created just for me. But I think we ended up using it for firewood one winter.


God’s Plan
Most Christians are obsessed with finding God’s will for their lives.
“I just wish I knew what God wanted me to do,” many college students say.

“Why can’t I discover His plan for my life?”

I’d love to share a few things I’ve learned about God’s will:


#1. First, God’s will has a lot to do with our desires.

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires” (Psalm 37:4 NLT).

Wonderful. I desire a new Jeep.
No. Keep it in context.
FIRST put your delight in the Lord. Let Him saturate you!
When we’re living in obedience to Him, He works through our desires. He puts the desires in our heart!

“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed” (Psalm 20:4 NIV).

God puts the desires in your heart. He then uses those desires to direct you on the path He wants you to go.

Chances are good that God isn’t going to direct you to do something you hate. He’s not going to call me into accounting. Nor will He lead me to be a math teacher. Or an astronaut. Too many numbers.

This is not where I’m gifted.

He does, however, often call us to something bigger than ourselves.
And if He does? He’ll equip us with everything we need.

But because the Lord has gifted me in communication skills, He DOES ask me to use those gifts to communicate Him through speaking and writing.

Flashback: I’m 9 years old. I can’t articulate why I want a podium. I just know there’s something inside that wants to get out. I want to speak to others in a controlled setting. I want to bring something to life to them. I want to take material and communicate it to others.
The neighborhood kids.
Whether it was fairy tales, Bible stories or vacation memories, God planted the desire in my young heart to speak.

I smile today.
My heart praises Him.
I’m so grateful I get to live out my heart’s desires by speaking fulltime.

God is so faithful.

Feel free to comment on this blog. Share your thoughts. Let’s get the communication lines open. And next week, let’s look at a few more ways to discern God’s will.

4 replies
  1. Mary Allen
    Mary Allen says:

    I stopped believing in coincidence,and happenstance a long time ago. This morning I prayed a specific prayer and this afternoon He answered it though your message. Everything He does is by design. Amazing! Just thought you might like to know how He used your words to bless me today. Thanks.

  2. Marcia Greer
    Marcia Greer says:

    Love the little podium story! I can just imagine… What a privilege it is to know you… With all your crazy fun & the way God has, is and will use you! So looking forward to your devotionals! Thank you for doing them!!!
    As for knowing God’s will. I remember my first year in college asking that question to a pastor in your church. He basically said the same thing you did… earnestly seek God and follow the desires of your heart. Sometimes this is easier said than done however. And of course you went into greater detail and told it better than I did…

  3. Marsha Brown
    Marsha Brown says:

    I was just talking with a friend at dinner tonight about how God is calling us to move in to the thing He created us to be. How our gifts will make a way for us. Whatever we are most passionate about will resonate on the inside so we know it is God urging us to move. This felt like a confirmation in my spirit. I love your writing. You are the reason I wanted to become a writer in the first place. Thank you for being obedient to your calling, so that I could learn how to walk in mine.


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