Come Home!

My two mini-Schnauzers Obie and Amos (Obie is short for Obadiah—I call them my Old Testament prophets, Ha!), are precious to me. They make me laugh, help me unwind and always make me want to come home when I’m away. A few weeks ago, however, the guy who has been mowing my lawn for five […]

The Wrong Questions

A lot is happening in John chapter 6. Jesus has multiplied bread and fish. The disciples have climbed into their little boat to cross the Sea of Galilee while Jesus remains to spend time in prayer with Father God. A violent storm comes out of nowhere causing the 12 to fear for their lives. And […]

The Right Place

Jesus had just fed 5,000 men (the total crowd was probably close to 15,000 if women and children had been counted). He told His disciples to go ahead and cross the sea because He wanted some time alone with Father God to pray. At evening, the disciples climbed inside their boat and began the journey. […]

Liar! (Conclusion of a seven-part series)

In John’s short five-chapter book of 1 John, he describes six types of liars. We’ve already looked at five. Let’s take a peek at the last one: #6: People who deny Jesus is the Christ; the Messiah; God Incarnate. “Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person […]

Liar! (Part 6)

In John’s short five-chapter book of 1 John, he describes six types of liars. We’ve already looked at four. Let’s take a peek at the next one: #5: People who say they love God but really love the world. “Stop loving this evil world and all that it offers you, for when you love these […]

Liar! (Part 5)

The apostle John mentions six types of liars in his short five-chapter book of 1 John. #1: People who say they’re Christians but actually walk in darkness. #2: People who claim they haven’t sinned because they've redefined sin according to culture’s standards.   #3: People who claim to know Jesus but don’t obey Him. #4: […]

In John’s short five-chapter book of 1 John, he describes six types of liars. Let’s take a look: #1: People who say they’re Christians but actually walk in darkness. #2: People who claim they haven’t sinned because they've redefined sin according to culture’s standards. #3: People who claim to know Jesus but don’t obey Him. […]

Liar! (Part 3)

The apostle John mentions six types of liars in his short five-chapter book of 1 John. #1: People who say they’re Christians but actually walk indarkness. #2: People who claim they haven’t sinned because they’ve redefined sin according to culture’s standards. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and […]

Liar! (Part 2)

The apostle John mentions six types of liars in his short five-chapter book of 1 John. #1: People who say they’re Christians but actually walk in darkness. “If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth” (1 John 1:6 NIV). If […]

Liar! (Part 1)

Ever heard this phrase: “Liar, Liar! Pants on fire!” It’s a phrase that children like to scream at each other whenever they think the other is lying. It’s really a stupid thing to say—because if your pants actually caught on fire when you lied, more politicians would be dead. (Ha! I couldn’t resist.) I did […]