Right Concept, Wrong Idea #7

We’re taking a look at some well-known thoughts that we tend to
misinterpret biblically.

“God heals everyone who has enough faith.”

God’s healing isn’t dependent on your faith.
God can do whatever, whenever and wherever He wants regardless
of you.

Yes, He loves it when you express your faith in Him.
And He loves to increase your faith.
But He also accepts your shallow faith:
(Remember the father whose son was demon-possessed and mute?)
“I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24 ESV)

Paul didn’t tell Timothy to have more faith so his stomach would be
healed. Instead, Paul advised him not only to drink water—
but to take a little wine for his stomach problems.

This isn’t telling all of us who have stomach problems to drink wine,
but it does show us that God doesn’t heal all Christians while they’re
on earth. Eventually, all will be healed—in heaven.

Paul spoke about the “thorn in his flesh.”
Many Bible scholars think this had something to do with his eyesight.
Notice in 2 Thessalonians 3:17, he tells us he’s ending the letter with
his own handwriting. This lets us know that he dictated the letter to
someone else, but Paul signed it himself.

Many scholars believe it was because of his poor eyesight that he
needed to use a scribe to write his letters.

And in Galatians 6:11, Paul tells us he’s writing in large letters. Again,
many believe that’s because of his declining eyesight at that time.

Paul prayed many times that God would heal him of the “thorn in his
flesh.” He certainly had faith that God could do this. But whatever the
thorn was, Paul wasn’t healed of it.

He accepted God’s answer: “My grace is sufficient for you, my
power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV).

I can’t help but think of Joni Eareckson Tada whose diving accident
during her teen years caused her to become a quadriplegic.
She—long with many others—have prayed for her healing. It’s
certainly not because she doesn’t have faith that God hasn’t healed

For reasons we won’t understand until we’re in heaven, God simply
chooses to heal some people on earth and others not until they’re
with Him.

It’s His will that we continue to pray healing for those who need it, but
we shouldn’t lose faith when we don’t see our prayers answered
during our timetable.


Please pray for me as I speak in Swartz Creek, MI this weekend.

3 replies
  1. Fawn Scott
    Fawn Scott says:

    Hi Sursie
    Thank you for this insight ! Mark 9 is also a good addition here. I’m diabetic and visually impaired but thankful for my health. God is sovereign I struggle sometimes but God is to be praised! Thanks again Susie you are awesome.

  2. Connie Sheets
    Connie Sheets says:

    Awesome insight! Thanks for this reminder that GOD is GOD and that he cares for everything in our life, including our health. I have many sick, unhealthy friends in my life who love God with all their heart. I will continue to pray for their healing, God’s will be done. Thanks again.

  3. Kathleen R Carbone
    Kathleen R Carbone says:

    I needed this TODAY!!! My husband has stage 4 lung cancer, 3 wks ago he was perfectly healthy….. or skip we thought. Faith can be fleeting at times, but never gone!!


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