The God Who Helps

And we NEED help! ALL of us need help!
God helps those who admit their need for Him.

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.” (Psalm 34:4 ESV)

In Exodus 18, we see God providing help for Moses from an unexpected source. God often helps us in ways we don’t expect.

God sent Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, to help Moses. We see our Old Testament prophet leading the massive group of Israelites through the wilderness.

And they’ve been a complaining bunch! They’ve grumbled and argued since leaving Egypt. Moses is on the edge of burnout. He’d been hearing the cases of thousands of people— burning the candle at both ends.

Have you been there?
Spinning so fast you can’t really see what the problem is?

Jethro helped him develop a system that allowed him to delegate responsibilities to qualified leaders.

God doesn’t want any of us to burn out.
And He doesn’t want us spinning ourselves silly.
That’s one reason He created the Sabbath.
We all need quality rest.
And that kind of rest comes by drawing close to our Savior.

Do you need help?
God wants to be your Helper.
