Here are three God wants you to know this Christmas season:

#1: God gives courage to ordinary people.

God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

Joseph was an ordinary man, but He was a man God could trust to be strong during a crisis. He was strong and resilient enough to protect his family and dependable enough to be the Messiah’s earthly father.

Joseph displayed moral courage.

He displayed the character of God in his own life. That’s tough to do
sometimes, isn’t it?

#2: God gives us courage to overcome our doubts and fears.

We can only imagine how Joseph must have felt when he found out that Mary was pregnant. He probably felt sorrow, disappointment, shock, anger—even embarrassment.

Yet his character enabled him to keep rein on his emotions. His love for God and for Mary compelled him to seek a way to protect her. I want God’s love to compel me to do all He asks of me.

#3: God gives us courage to face the future.

He will never, never, never leave you or forsake you. He will always be there. That’s a promise.

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 (NKJV)

This fact gives us the courage to face the unknown.

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31 NKJV)

God gives courage to ordinary people like you and me.

God gives courage to face our doubts and fears.

God gives courage to face the future.

Remember what the angel of the Lord said to Joseph in his dream:

“Do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife. . . .” (Matthew 1:20 NIV)

Let’s place a blank line in the Scripture we just read:

“Do not be afraid to _________________.”

How would you fill in that blank this Christmas season?

Do not be afraid to _______________.

What is God asking you to step toward with faith in Him and choose not to
be afraid?
