Entries by Susie Shellenberger

The Danger of Self-Defense

We love to defend ourselves—verbally, physically, emotionally—and sometimes that’s OK. But many of us have become so accustomed to defending ourselves, we have begun to defend our sins. This damages our heart. Christ yearns for His children to have tender hearts. Teachable and trainable hearts. Moldable hearts. He even wants to transform our hearts. “Create […]

Separation from God

Sometimes God’s children walk through the desert. The Israelites wandered through the desert for 40 years. Sometimes it’s simply difficult to feel His presence. Jesus Himself said that we’d experience tribulation. (See John 16:33) But there’s a difference is simply walking through a cloudy day and in experiencing genuine separation from God Himself. There’s only […]


I was watching a Hallmark movie last week. A lady was driving alone. She screamed, “I can’t see!” She was driving at night. In a snowstorm. Wearing sunglasses. Uh . . . It would be an understatement to point out the obvious, wouldn’t it? Yet how often do we tend to think . . . […]

The Holy Spirit Helps Us!

Last week we chatted about the spotted water hemlock—the deadliest plant in North America. One bite of this plant can kill someone within two hours. Of course, there are lots of things that seem good at first glance but end up being toxic. Toadstools sure look like mushrooms. But once eaten, you know what you […]

But It’s So Pretty!

The spotted water hemlock is labeled the most toxic plant in North America. People who eat it can die within just two hours. And it’s not an easy death. Here’s how Steve Brill (a NY-based foraging expert and tour guide of plants of the Northeast) describes what happens when someone eats spotted water hemlock: “Every […]

Burgers and Scripture

Like me, you may have memorized key Bible verses during your childhood. Perhaps it was in a Sunday school class or a summer time Vacation Bible School. I still have some of those Scriptures etched in my heart. But I admit, during my adult years, I’ve slacked off in memorizing Scripture. I’ve memorized other things: […]

Choose Your Influence

There are some weird names in the Old Testament: Eber, Peleg, Joktan, Hazarmaveth. . . . But the other day, I found one that really caught my attention: Evil-Merodach. I thought, Who would name their son Evil? So I did some research and discovered the word “evil” in his name has nothing to do with […]

Come Home!

My two mini-Schnauzers Obie and Amos (Obie is short for Obadiah—I call them my Old Testament prophets, Ha!), are precious to me. They make me laugh, help me unwind and always make me want to come home when I’m away. A few weeks ago, however, the guy who has been mowing my lawn for five […]

The Wrong Questions

A lot is happening in John chapter 6. Jesus has multiplied bread and fish. The disciples have climbed into their little boat to cross the Sea of Galilee while Jesus remains to spend time in prayer with Father God. A violent storm comes out of nowhere causing the 12 to fear for their lives. And […]

The Right Place

Jesus had just fed 5,000 men (the total crowd was probably close to 15,000 if women and children had been counted). He told His disciples to go ahead and cross the sea because He wanted some time alone with Father God to pray. At evening, the disciples climbed inside their boat and began the journey. […]