Entries by Susie Shellenberger

Time at Home

I’m enjoying time off this month from traveling and speaking. I don’t schedule myself to be off during the month of December— I just don’t get scheduled anywhere. And I totally understand. Churches are busy with Christmas plans, cantatas, food drives, and so many wonderful activities.   I enjoy being home and getting to attend […]


As I count my blessings this Thanksgiving, I’m truly grateful for the holy Trinity: God, the Father, who created all things and who loves me enough to send Jesus, His Son, to save me from my sin and to die for me and grant me mercy, grace and forgiveness— and the Holy Spirit who guides […]

Three Strikes

We all know that three strikes = an out. In 2 Kings 13:1-19, we find a fascinating story in the Bible in which three strikes are used.   King Joash began his reign as a godly little 7-year-old who had been raised by the priest Jehoida. For most of Joash’s life, he did what was […]

The Walking Dead? Pt 2

Part 2   When a dead man’s body was quickly tossed into the same grave as Elisha’s bones, the dead man immediately came to life, stood up and walked out of the cave-grave. It’s a fascinating two-verse story found in 2 Kings 13:20-21. Last week I mentioned that we can learn three important things from […]

The Walking Dead?

It’s an interesting story. After Elisha the prophet was buried (and a few years had gone by), some Israelites were burying a man but noticed a gang of raiders quickly approaching. Knowing time was short, they quickly tossed the dead man’s body inside the tomb of Elisha and ran for safety. (You can read the […]

What Is God’s Will?

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21 NIV). Jesus clearly says in the above Scripture that unless we’re doing the will of Father God, we won’t enter the Kingdom. The will […]

Not Easy

In Matthew 7:14, Jesus proclaims that the gate leading to heaven is really small. And the road leading to that small gate is extremely narrow. He goes on to say that few even find it! How can that be? We have millions in churches around the world every Sunday! Could it be that most people […]

He Holds my Hand

The psalmist struggled with seeing evil people prosper. We’ve wondered about that as well, haven’t we? Often times we see the wicked do well, while the godly are left out, overlooked and forgotten. While it often seems this way right now . . . We must remember we live in a fallen world. By striving […]

Jesus Went Away

We’re told in Luke 5:16 that Jesus often withdrew— got away— retreated. He sought time away to strengthen Himself in prayer. If Jesus needed to get away . . . how much more do WE need that? That’s why I’ve put together the “Friends & Family Getaway” cruise through Susie Shellenberger Ministries. Not only will […]