Take My Hand . . . Stay a While

Many times when Jesus healed someone in the Bible,
He told them to get up or to go after He had touched them.
He performed the miracle of healing and was simply on His way.

But other times, He did just the opposite:
He took their hand.
It seems as though He wanted to savor the moment.

Here are a few examples:

• When Jesus brings Jairus’ daughter back to life: “Jesus took her by
the hand. . . .” (Luke 8:54 NLT).

• When He healed the 10 lepers, He asked the one who returned
where the other nine were (Luke 17:11-19).

• After Jesus healed the blind, mute demoniac, He lingered while the
healed man spoke to the crowd (Luke 11:14-23).

So sometimes after God ministers to us, He wants us to GO, yet
other times He wants us to wait . . . to hold His hand . . . to simply
BE with Him.

The question is: How do we know when to do what?

Last week, when I wrote about going, Sherry left this remark in the
comments section: “It’s so hard to discern between ‘get up and go’
or ‘be still and wait!’ ”

She makes a great point, doesn’t she?

Know this: It won’t be the same for us each time we hear from God.

(We’ll chat more about this next week.)

But we can rest assured that God’s will is not a mystery.
He’s not playing the guessing game with us.
He wants us to know His will even more than we want to know it!

Remember, however, that He is not on our timetable.
You’ve heard the old saying, “God is never early—but He’s never

When you’re trying to decide whether to “stay still” or to “go,”
saturate yourself in prayer. It’s a FACT . . . He will guide you.

Care to share how God has guided you?

I’d appreciate your prayers March 16-21 as I speak in Newcastle, IN.

5 replies
  1. Nancy Prien
    Nancy Prien says:

    Susie you are so talented. A true woman of God and he uses you to travel and tell about Jesus. Your amazing. Prayers for safe travel. Others will be blessed to hear you.

  2. lynne M Bonnell
    lynne M Bonnell says:

    Great thoughts to start my morning…i am thankful Our Divine God does not want His Word and will to be a mystery to us. Praying today for His will for my day as I set out to work this am. And I’m praying for your time in Indiana, my home state.

  3. Jenny Longley
    Jenny Longley says:

    This is something I think a lot of us struggle with! A study I’m doing with my mom right now called Discerning the Voice of God says the same thing about God not wanting His will to be a mystery or a guessing game. The thing I’ve loved about the study is how much I’m learning about the Holy Spirit and His role in guiding us!
    I have to tell you, back on the first week of the study, it asked, “Have you ever met someone whose relationship with God is so full, robust, and real that his or her life seems more like a spreading wildfire than a quietly contained religion?”, and in the margin I wrote, “Chic Shaver and Susie Shellenberger” 🙂
    (I actually misspelled it Shellenburger, haha, but just want you to know and be encouraged that you’re making an impact for Him in ways you don’t even know about!)

  4. Becky Jaco
    Becky Jaco says:

    I really enjoyed your messages you gave when you came to AZ for the Women’s Retreat at Camp Pinerock. I will be praying for you while you are in Indiana, and ask my women’s prayer group to do the same. You have been a blessing to me.


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