Anne Graham Lotz tells relates a story her mother once shared with her:

“A former navy office kept up his weapons skills to qualify as a deputy
sheriff in the county. Each year he was required to renew his permit to keep
his status as a deputy. One year, however, he wore new glasses to the
target range, and when sweat steamed up his glasses, he totally lost his
focus on the target.

“When my mother asked, ‘What in the world did you do?’ he quoted the
advice of his navy instructor: ‘When you lose sight of the target, remember
your position.’ He remembered where he’d last seen the target and pulled
the trigger. He hit the bull’s-eye every time!”

There are definitely times when we can see God’s hand moving in our
lives. And during those times it’s easy to trust and follow Him explicitly.
But what about the days when our glasses are steamed and we can’t seem
to find our direction?

That’s when we remember our position when we last saw Him move, and
we trust His heart.

I’m reminded of an old song by Babbie Mason. Look it up on YouTube and
listen to it this week.

Trust His Heart (by Babbie Mason)

All things work for our good
Though sometimes we don’t see how they could
Struggles that break our hearts in two
Sometimes blind us to the truth

Our Father knows what’s best for us
His ways are not our own
So when your pathway grows dim
And you just don’t see Him,
Remember you’re never alone

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don’t understand
When you don’t see His plan
When you can’t trace His hand
Trust His heart
Trust His heart