The Day Moses Said NO

We know Moses said YES to God!
And because of that yes, he became the leader of the greatest deliverance of people in history.

But before Moses could accept God’s call, he first had to say NO. He said NO to his Egyptian heritage, NO to the privilege and royalty of living in the palace, and NO to being referred to as Pharaoh’s daughter. Moses said NO to the Egyptian’s gods, NO to the fleeting pleasure of sin, NO to the wealth that royalty offered, and NO to a life of ease.

Because of his YES to God, the Lord developed boldness within him, honed his intelligence, gave him a desire for justice, exhibited compassion for God’s people, and possessed true humility that pleased the Lord.

But the greatest attribute of Moses?
He feared God.
Meaning he honored,
submitted to,
and reverenced Jehovah.

May we be more like Moses.
