To Pray . . . or Not

Do you realize that prayer is our greatest weapon
against satan? He fears prayer. It sends him and
his demons running.

There is power in prayer!
When we pray in the name of Jesus,
we are tossing grenades at satan.

Prayer is also our greatest connection to Christ.
Aren’t you glad His line is never busy?
Every time we pray in Jesus’ name,
we enter the Kingdom of heaven.

And our prayers make a difference.
Do you believe that?
Truly believe that?

Could your friends and loved ones have had a better day
yesterday if you’d prayed for them?

Have you considered that NOT praying for someone
can be a sin?

“As for me, far be it from me that I should sin
against the LORD by failing to pray for you.” (1
Samuel 12:23 NIV)

Kind of makes you want to make prayer a priority, doesn’t it!


I’d appreciate your prayers for me this weekend as I speak in Topeka,

4 replies
  1. Fawn Scott
    Fawn Scott says:

    Hi Susie! This is so on time! The Lord let me know that prayer is my full time job. I must have more faith in its power and not minimize its power or importance! I needed this correction. Blessings Dear friend Sincerely Fawn Scott

  2. Bonnie
    Bonnie says:

    What an encouragement to pray! We meet on 11:00 on Wednesday afternoons for prayer (about 20 to 28 or us). I’d like to share this with them — giving you the credit, of course. Several in the group heard you at Camp Pinerock last summer.

  3. Barbara
    Barbara says:

    Susie, thank you for your insights. I’m praying God will use you this weekend in Topeka.


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