Entries by Susie Shellenberger

Come (Part 2)

It seems the overriding message of the Old and New Testaments is come. God goes to great lengths to make sure we know He yearns for us to come to Him. “The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let the one who hears say, Come!’ Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one […]


Throughout the Bible, God’s message is crystal clear: “Come.” He so years for us to come to Him, that He repeats this invitation in a variety of ways: “All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away” (John 6:37 NIV). The most important way we […]

The Brickyard

The book of Exodus highlights amazing highs and devastating lows for God’s people, the Israelites. In a nutshell: They quit listening to God and were held in bondage as Pharaoh’s slaves for 430 years. They turned back to God, and He rescued them from slavery and led them to the Promised Land. One of their […]

Alaskan Cruise – Spiritual Renewal!

Imagine . . . spiritual revival with praise and worship, I’ll be sharing some powerful messages God has given me, amazing times together—as well as relaxing time alone—free room service, amazing food, incredible views of tremendous country all wrapped up in the Holland America Alaska Cruise I’ve put together through Susie Shellenberger Ministries.     […]

How’s Your Wall?

On November 20, I shared about the wall that God instructed Nehemiah to build around Jerusalem. Let’s peek at a few more insights. When Nehemiah received word that the wall around his hometown of Jerusalem had been torn down, he made the journey home to repair it. It was an actual physical wall that surrounded […]

How’s Your Wall?

When Nehemiah received word that the wall around his hometown of Jerusalem had been torn down, he made the journey home to repair it. It was an actual physical wall that surrounded Jerusalem. This protected the residents from enemies and bad influences. I’ll talk more about this actual wall in our December 4 devotional. But […]

Boiled in Salt

Ever eaten a salt potato? Syracuse salt potatoes are boiled with so much salt, they come out covered in white crust. By adding a really really really large amount of salt (two cups of salt for every eight cups of water) cooks in central NY create a white- crusted creamy potato. It’s easy to take […]

An Unexpected Surprise

In many German restaurants you can find what may look like an unusual item on the menu: Spaghettini. Chefs create it to look like a plate of spaghetti, but it’s actually an ice-cream delicacy. Vanilla ice-cream is served in thin strands that resemble spaghetti noodles, and strawberry puree is poured on top that looks like […]

Behind the Scenes

Back story: Before Elijah defeated the 450 false prophets of the false god of Baal, he told wicked King Ahab that God would withhold rain from the land. God made good on His Word, and the result was a severe famine. King Ahab summoned Obadiah (who was in charge of his palace (and also a […]