Author Archive for: Susie Shellenberger
About Susie Shellenberger
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But we are proud to say that Susie Shellenberger contributed 412 entries already.
Entries by Susie Shellenberger
Not Always as it Seems
/0 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerYou’ve heard the saying, “You can’t judge a book by its cover.” Oftentimes I do. A great cover says everything. When I’m browsing in Barnes & Noble, I don’t even pick up a book that doesn’t have a great cover. I’m being close-minded, aren’t I? There are probably fantastic books with lousy covers, and I’m […]
Doesn’t Make Sense!
/0 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerWe will never fully understand God until we’re in heaven with Him. Let’s stop trying to make sense of His ways—because sometimes they just don’t make sense! The first shall be last? The last shall be first? If you want to be great, head to back of the line and start serving? Let’s make it […]
Overlooked Details
/2 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerUzzah died because he reached out to steady the Ark of the Covenant as it was being transported. (If you didn’t catch last week’s blog, please look it up.) We read in 2 Samuel 6:1-7 and 1 Chronicles 13:9-12 that the Ark was being transported on a cart with poles on it. And it was […]
He Forgot. And He Died!
/2 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerMaybe you’re familiar with the Ark of the Covenant. It was a large and beautiful golden “box” created with specific instructions from God. It weighed approximately 615 lbs. The original stone tablets on which God inscribed the Ten Commandments for Moses to give the Israelites were inside the Ark. It also held Aaron’s rod that […]
Bigger Than a King-Size Bed!
/4 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerIn Deuteronomy 3, we read about the Israelites (God’s chosen people) destroying those who stood in their way and wouldn’t let them pass on to the land God had promised them. King Og of Bashan was an evil man. God empowered the Israelites to destroy Og and his entire city. After the destruction, check out […]
What Does Genuine Praise Sound Like?
/0 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerHave you ever thought about what it means to praise God? Psalm 96 tells us that someday the seas will demonstrate His glory, the earth will rejoice, and the fields will display His greatness. Let that soak into your brain for a second. How will the seas demonstrate His glory? Will trillions of waves simply […]
Get Away!
/3 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerEvery now and then we all need a break. Even Jesus made time to get alone. He loved to receive strength and renewal from His Father. If you’d like to really get away . . . like all the way to the Caribbean . . . seriously consider joining me on the cruise I’ve put […]
/3 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerI’ve been reading the Old Testament book of Job this week. Are you familiar with this true story? Good man goes through horrific times. His 10 children die, his ranch full of animals die. His wife suggests he turn his back on God. His three best friends tell him the reason he’s experiencing such horrific […]