
Imagine: A young lady becomes engaged to the love of her life. She spends several days searching for the perfect wedding dress. Hours are spent trying on dress after dress. She finally discovers the one-in-a-million dress that seems to be made just for her. She marks the days off on the calendar; it seems her […]

MARY Christmas (Part 3)

(Part 3)   I hope you’re having an amazing Christmas today celebrating our Savior’s birth. To think that the King of kings chose to leave the perfection of a grandiose kingdom and invade our sinful world with love and a plan for redemption is mind-boggling. I’m still thinking about Mary and want to pass on […]

MARY Christmas (Part 2)

(Part 2) As mentioned last week, I’m trying to have a MARY Christmas this year. In thinking about her life, I want to pass on what I’m learning and hopefully challenge YOU to establish a Mary Christmas as well.   • Mary trusted in the midst of discomfort. In Bethlehem, Joseph and Mary soon discovered […]

MARY Christmas

This year I’ve decided to have a MARY Christmas. I’ve been thinking about her recently . . . and here are some things I’m learning that I want to challenge you with, OK? • Mary trusted God for the impossible. When the angel announced she’d deliver the Messiah, she didn’t understand it. It seemed ridiculous, […]

Embracing Hope When Life Hurts

“Is your life full of difficulties and temptations? Then be happy, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in […]

What a Difference! (Acts 4:13)

(Acts 4:13) Check this out: “When the council saw the boldness of Peter and John, and could see that they were obviously uneducated, non-professionals, they were amazed and realized what being with Jesus had done for them.” (The Living Bible) Last week we chatted about Peter and John healing the lame man who was sitting […]