He Wants YOU to Participate! (Acts 3:1-10)

It’s a fascinating account. Peter and John are on their way to the temple to praise God and to worship. They see a lame man sitting near the temple steps begging for money. That’s the only way handicapped people could earn a living in Bible days; they held out a tin cup. When he saw […]


I mentioned last week that I love the book of Daniel, and by reading a commentary about him, I discovered some exciting things. Last week I shared that I found out Daniel was only 14 when he was captured. And his three best friends—Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego— were even younger than he was! I’m impressed […]

He Was How Old???

I love the story of Daniel. In fact, I love his life so much, I’ve been reading a Bible commentary about him. I discovered some interesting things. Here’s just one: • Daniel was only 14 years old when he was taken captive. I love the fact that even at the young age of 14, he […]

I Need a Break

I love what I do. I’m an ordained evangelist. That means God is allowing me to speak and write fulltime. I travel 42 weeks/weekends every year opening God’s Word to a variety of groups. And though there’s absolutely nothing I’d rather do more . . . sometimes I get physically tired. So He has helped […]

I’m Stuck on This Copycat Thing . . .

I know. I know. I know. I’ve been rambling on about imitating Christ for the past few weeks. But I can’t help it. It’s where I am. It’s what God is teaching me. And I want to share it with you. I’m still stuck on the apostle Paul. We already looked at what he said […]