
(Based on Matthew 9:9; Mark 1:2-8) Earth is a theater filled with a crowded audience. The people are packed tightly together; expectant. Anticipating. You’re there. Front row. Edge of your seat. The curtains have opened. Act One has been announced: The Beginning. The lights shift gradually. A slight change in the hues of red and […]

God is Depending on YOU!

There’s an old tale about Jesus ascending to heaven after He’d been resurrected and met with the disciples and other believers. The tale states that Jesus entered heaven and was greeted by the angel Gabriel. “Well, You did it! You became the greatest gift of all. You gave You very life for sinners that they […]

I Don’t Pray for Patience

I don’t pray for patience, because I’m afraid I’ll get it. I’m OK being impatient. You know I’m kidding. (Or am I?) I’ve been up since 3:30 a.m. My flight was supposed to leave at 5 a.m. I travel 42 weeks/weekends a year, and I’m learning to discern what some of the pilot’s announcements actually […]

Never the Same

I’m in Quito, Ecuador. For the past 17 years I’ve taken students (and adults to help me) on two-week international mission trips. My friend Steve Goley, with Big World Ventures out of Tulsa, Okla., actually puts the details together for me (flights, ministries, hotel, translators, etc.) so I can simply concentrate on loving and ministering. […]


The paint is still wet on the canvas. The colors glisten in the sun. Texture and technique equal vibrancy extraordinaire. The Artist has created brilliance.   But instead of putting down His brush, He waves it over His creation and breathes directly into the painting. The colors receive His breath and begin to move. Rhythm […]