Author Archive for: Susie Shellenberger
About Susie Shellenberger
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But we are proud to say that Susie Shellenberger contributed 412 entries already.
Entries by Susie Shellenberger
A Changing God?
/6 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerAs culture changes, we sometimes try to make God change along with it. But the truth is: “I am the LORD, and I do not change” (Malachi 3:6 NLT). In fact, the apostle James reminds us that God is: “without change or shadow” (James 1:17 LB) So why do often try to make Him change […]
God’s Gift
/5 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerI mentioned in an earlier blog that I had to say goodbye to my little gray Schnauzer, Obie, on April 30 of this year. God definitely helped Amos (my other Schnauzer) and I through the grieving process. Aren’t you grateful that God cares deeply about every area in our lives? When we hurt, He hurts […]
Good Choice or Best Choice?
/1 Comment/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerWhen the time came for Lot and his uncle Abraham to part ways (their families, animals, servants, etc. had become so numerous the land could no longer support them), Abraham gave Lot first choice. “I’ll tell you what we’ll do. Take your choice of any section of the land you want, and we will separate […]
My Right . . . or God’s Will?
/2 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerAbraham and his nephew Lot had numerous animals, servants, family members and crops. In fact, the area became so crowded the land could no longer support them. It was time to split. Abraham gave Lot first choice. “I’ll tell you what we’ll do. Take your choice of any section of the land you want, and […]
Can you help?
/0 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerHey, friends! Once in a while, I use this site to share something personal. And I want to do that today. Many of you know that each summer for the past 20 years, I’ve taken students and adults on two-week mission trips to Central and South America. (If you’re interested in joining me NEXT summer, […]
Sorrow Into Joy
/6 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerOn April 30 of this year, I had to say goodbye to my little four-footed furry friend Obie. This little gray Schnauzer had seen me through a lot— a major career change, two moves, the death of my 95-year-old aunt, the death of my 93-year-old dad, and many more life events. Amos (my other little […]
Take Possession!
/2 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerJoshua asked the Israelites an all-important question In Joshua 18:3. Let’s take a quick peek: “How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you?” (NIV) Seven tribes still hadn’t taken possession of the amazing land God had given them! This […]
A Gift?
/3 Comments/in Random Thoughts, Uncategorized/by Susie ShellenbergerIn Numbers 13:2 we see that God had brought the Israelites to the edge of the Promised Land. He was giving it to them. But His gift would require something of the recipients. Sometimes we mistakenly assume that when God gives us something, all we have to do is receive and He’ll do the rest. […]