Taking Jesus to Peru

Jesus told us to go into all the world and spread the gospel.

We know this as the Great Commission.

(See Matthew 28:18-20.)

Each summer I take people on a two-week international

missions trip so we can do just that! Will you pray about joining me this summer?

We’ll be going to Peru.

It’s an amazing trip!

Yes, it’s missions come to life . . .

but it’s also packed with the flavor of

old fashioned revival,


and brand-new friendships!

The dates are June 26 to July 9, 2017.

(We ask adults to arrive on June 24 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.)

What will we do?

We’ll minister to orphans, in schools, do work projects at churches,

set up a medical clinic, and we’ll present the gospel through

a 22-minute pantomime drama.

It’s powerful.

It’s unforgettable.

And it’s genuine ministry!

I’ll be speaking to our group each evening.

We’ll be staying at a beautiful place outside of Lima.

I’d LOVE to have you join  me!

Who can come?

Adults, students, medical personnel, counselors.

I call it “Never the Same”—

because you truly are NEVER the same after experiencing this!

I need you.

Will you pray about joining me?

For more details go to:


When you fill out the application, write “Susie Shellenberger”

at the very top. This will alert the people handling the applications for me that we know each other, and they’ll process your application much faster.

Let me know your thoughts, OK?

Time at Home

I’m enjoying time off this month from traveling and speaking.

I don’t schedule myself to be off during the month of December—

I just don’t get scheduled anywhere.

And I totally understand.

Churches are busy with Christmas plans,


food drives,

and so many wonderful activities.

I enjoy being home and getting to attend church

with my brother and his precious family.

I love being with friends

and I’m enjoying taking Obie and Amos to the dog park.

This is a much-needed break for me.

But because fulltime evangelism (speaking fulltime)

is what I do for a living,

it means no income during the time I’m not speaking.

If God prompts you to donate to the ministry He had entrusted me,

I can send you a tax-donation receipt, because I’m a 501 C-3.

I hope you have an amazing Christmas season!

Know that I’m praying for you!

Yes, I’m serious!

If you’re receiving this blog—

I’m praying for you!

You may send a check to:

Susie Shellenberger Ministries

3128 N. Timber Avenue

Bethany, OK 73008

Or use this to donate via PayPal [paypal_donation_button]


As I count my blessings this Thanksgiving,

I’m truly grateful for

the holy Trinity:

God, the Father, who created all things and who loves me

enough to send Jesus, His Son, to save me from my sin

and to die for me and grant me mercy, grace and forgiveness—

and the Holy Spirit who guides me daily

and reminds me of the Truth in Scripture

and who empowers me to live the Christian life.

I’m grateful beyond words that Christ is ALIVE—

that He actually conquered death

and is preparing an incredible home for me in heaven!

I’m so thankful for godly parents who have given me a wonderful spiritual heritage . . .

and my godly brother and his family

who love me and pray for me,

and for godly friends with whom I can discuss spiritual truths

and share prayers requests and burdens.

I’m grateful for YOU . . .

for reading my little blog week after week

and praying for me when God prompts you.

You’ll never know what a difference your prayers make

when I’m exhausted and lonely in a hotel room

and miles from home.

On a lighter note . . .

I’m thankful for the smell of brand-new shoes,

all the primary colors,

the taste of raw cookie dough,

the sounds of my two dogs

when we’re wrestling,


or talking,

OKC Thunder basketball games,

Stephane’s yummy tossed salad that no one can make like her,

Jennifer’s homemade dressing,

Kent’s special stash of cokes-made-with-sugarcane-sugar-in-a-bottle stored in the garage fridge,

and even the annual Thanksgiving family Ping-Pong tournament

that I never win.

God is good.

What are YOU grateful for?

Please share!