What Does Genuine Praise Sound Like?

Have you ever thought about what it means to praise God?
Psalm 96 tells us that someday
the seas will demonstrate His glory,
the earth will rejoice,
and the fields will display His greatness.

Let that soak into your brain for a second.
How will the seas demonstrate His glory?
Will trillions of waves simply stand on top of the ocean’s surface
and begin singing?

Or will the plant life and mountains from the very bottom of the sea rise to the top and begin shouting glory?

Will coral hum a praise tune?

Try to imagine how the very earth will rejoice.
Will trees do hip-hop?
Can you see a hill starting the wave?
Maybe every blade of grass will boogie down to some rock and roll! Or the leaves will sing in harmony.
Every grain of sand on the earth may belt out a brand-new praise song to the Creator.

And what about the animals?
They’re part of God’s creation.
You know they’re going to be in on the action.
I can’t wait to heart it!

Hippos, hyenas, hamsters, hawks, hedgehogs, hummingbirds, and horses may have their own “H Choir.”

And I can just hear the cats, chipmunks, cows, canaries, camels, chickens, cheetahs, crocodiles, caribou, chimpanzees, cobras, candors, crows, cranes, and even cockroaches trying to outdo them!

How do you personally praise your heavenly Father?
I’m not talking about being in church and just singing what’s on the screen because that’s what everyone else is doing.
I’m talking about personal praise that comes straight from your heart. It may be through singing or listening to praise music.
Though that’s what usually comes to mind when we think of praise, there are other ways in which you can praise your Father.

Try praising Him by kneeling the next time you pray.
This is an act of humility and reverence.
It shows that you revere Him as your absolute authority.

You can also praise Him vocally.
When you’re having your quiet time with God, interrupt the quiet by saying “Hallelujah” loudly, or “I praise You, Lord!”

Another way you can praise God is by lifting your hands.
This shows you’re sending the praise in His direction.
You’re pointing toward the heavens.
You’re raising your hands in gratitude.

Try thanking God in prayer.
This blesses Him. Yes, you can actually bless the Lord.
In fact, it’s scriptural! The proof is found in Psalm 103:1:
“Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name” (KJV).

We can only imagine what it will sound like someday to hear turtles, wildflowers, and caves praising our God.

I can’t wait to hear the melody of the stars singing in unison.
Maybe the little ants will be singing soprano,
and the queen bees will be singing bass.

But we don’t have to imagine what it’s like for us.
We have the privilege of praising God right here, right now.
Let’s do it!

“All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; they sing praises to your name” (Psalm 66:4 ESV).

How do you most often express your praise to God?

Get Away!

Every now and then we all need a break.
Even Jesus made time to get alone.
He loved to receive strength and renewal from His Father.

If you’d like to really get away . . . like all the way to the Caribbean . . .
seriously consider joining me on the cruise I’ve put together through
Susie Shellenberger Ministries.

The dates?
May 28 to June 4.
We’re going to Grand Cayman, Cozumel and Montego Bay.

If you want to swim with dolphins,
enjoy some inspired speaking,
great Bible study,
lots of laughter,
the best food you can imagine,
wonderful music
and spiritual growth—
then come!

The cheapest room is $836 for two people—each person paying $836.
It’s a seven-day cruise departing from Galveston, TX.

If you’d like me to mail you the complete informational brochure,
send me an email and include your mailing address.


Time is almost up!
Because we’ll be departing May 28, the complete price has to be paid in March. Yes, you still have time—but not much.

So act quickly.

Anchors away for an amazing spiritual retreat on the water!

What’s YOUR favorite way to retreat and renew?


I’ve been reading the Old Testament book of Job this week.
Are you familiar with this true story?
Good man goes through horrific times.
His 10 children die, his ranch full of animals die.
His wife suggests he turn his back on God.
His three best friends tell him the reason he’s experiencing such horrific physical and emotional pain is because of his sin.

But Job is a godly man.
He has been obedient to God.
And he’s not bitter. But he IS confused.
He can’t understand why he’s experiencing such pain.
Still . . . he remains faithful to God.

The bulk of his story are his three best friends belittling him for days and trying to persuade him to admit that he’s done something wrong.


I don’t know where the saying “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” came from . . . but it could have birthed itself here. Wouldn’t it have been great if his friends would have simply sat with him? Put their arms around him? Prayed for him?

Check out what’s said in the last chapter of Job’s book:

“After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before” (Job 42:10 NIV).

Did you catch the key?
After Job had prayed for his friends.
He forgave them, and he prayed for them!
We can’t imagine the emotional pain his “friends” dumped on him.
But Job forgave, AND he prayed.

I want to be the kind of friend . . . the kind of disciple . . .
who will forgive those who hurt me—
and even pray for them.

Maybe that’s the key to God’s blessing of peace.
And contentment.
And deep joy.

Why not go to YouTube and listen to Matthew West’s song “Forgiveness.”

If you haven’t heard it yet, I’ll give you a sneak preview of the beginning:

It’s the hardest thing to give away
And the last thing on your mind today
It always goes to those that don’t deserve

It’s the opposite of how you feel
When the pain they caused is just too real
It takes everything you have just to say the word…


Is there someone you need to forgive?
Go ahead.
It takes too much energy to hold a grudge.
Enjoy God’s deep settled peace by forgiving!