Get Going!
Many times when Jesus healed someone in the Bible,
He told them to get up or to go after He had touched them.
• The paralyzed man at the pool of Bethesda (John 5).“Get up.”
• Another paralytic man in Matthew 9. “Get up.”
• The woman with the diseased blood (Luke 8). “Go in peace.”
• A leper (Mark 1). “Go.”
• The blind man (Mark 8). “Jesus sent him . . .”
• A man who was born blind (John 9). “Go.”
• The man who had dropsy (Luke 14). “He sent him on his way.”
• The 10 lepers (Luke 17). “Go.”
In each of the above situations, Jesus didn’t hold their hands
and pull them up or guide them home. He healed them—
and in His strength, they moved.
But THEY had to move.
Often we pray about a specific area in our lives in which we
desire God to work. He’s always willing to help us—but that doesn’t
mean He will do the moving FOR us. He wants US to get up.
He brought Lazarus back to life, but He didn’t carry him out of the
grave. “Lazarus, come forth!” Lazarus had to get up and go.
Is there something you’ve been praying about but haven’t actually put
your prayer into action? It could be that God has touched you, but
NOW you need to respond by moving.
Please pray for me this week as I speak in Science Hill, KY.
To Pray . . . or Not
Do you realize that prayer is our greatest weapon
against satan? He fears prayer. It sends him and
his demons running.
There is power in prayer!
When we pray in the name of Jesus,
we are tossing grenades at satan.
Prayer is also our greatest connection to Christ.
Aren’t you glad His line is never busy?
Every time we pray in Jesus’ name,
we enter the Kingdom of heaven.
And our prayers make a difference.
Do you believe that?
Truly believe that?
Could your friends and loved ones have had a better day
yesterday if you’d prayed for them?
Have you considered that NOT praying for someone
can be a sin?
“As for me, far be it from me that I should sin
against the LORD by failing to pray for you.” (1
Samuel 12:23 NIV)
Kind of makes you want to make prayer a priority, doesn’t it!
I’d appreciate your prayers for me this weekend as I speak in Topeka,
Come (Part 2)
It seems the overriding message of the Old and New Testaments is
God goes to great lengths to make sure we know He yearns for us to
come to Him.
“The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’
And let the one who hears say, Come!’
Let the one who is thirsty come;
and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life”
(Revelation 22:17 NIV).
Yes, God desires for us to come to Him so He can forgive us and
make us righteous, but He also wants us to come to Him so He can
meet our needs.
“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters”
(Isaiah 55:1 NIV).
He wants to refresh us, fill us and restore us.
“Come, let us sing to the LORD!” (Psalm 95:1 NLT)
When we come to Him, He also desires our praise and worship.
Think about the way you approach Him. Is it only with a list of
requests, or do you also adorn Him with praise?
“Come to me with your ears wide open” (Isaiah 55:3 NLT).
The above verse tells us God wants us to LISTEN. I confess it’s easy
for me to do most of the talking when I come to Him throughout the
day. I’m asking Him to teach me to come with my ears open. I want to
hear His voice more.
“Let us come to him with thanksgiving” (Psalm 95:2 NLT).
This year I’m determined to thank Him more. I don’t want to take the
little things for granted, because even the small things are blessings
from Him . . . the weather, the changing colors of the seasons, a call
from a friend, the soft fur of my dog in my lap . . . I want Him to know
I’m truly grateful for every blessing He brings my way.
“Come, let us worship and bow down” (Psalm 95:6 NLT).
And yes, He desires genuine worship from us when we come to Him.
This week, think about the variety of ways you come to the Father.
Determine to come to Him with open ears, gratitude, worship and
restoration this week.
Please pray for me this weekend as I speak to ministers and mates
on the Joplin, MO district at their annual retreat.