Some What Ifs
Imagine this scene:
It’s Sunday morning.
People are gathering and finding a seat in your church.
The music begins as some are still chatting in the aisles.
Everyone joins in the familiar song. Excitement fills the
sanctuary. God’s presence is among His children. Praise is lifted from
the instruments as well as from hearts throughout the church. There’s
a pause in the music as folks turn and greet each other.
Announcements are given.
You sit down and open your wallet to prepare for the morning
offering, but as you glance around the church, you notice the ushers
aren’t moving forward with the offering plates.
The pastor faces the congregation and says, “We’re not taking
an offering this morning.”
We always take an offering.
What’s going on?
“We’re not taking an offering, because I’m asking you stop
giving,” your pastor says.
“Seriously. Please stop giving. We have more than enough.”
* * *
This actually happened!
We find the story in Exodus 36:6.
“Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout
the camp: ‘No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering
for the sanctuary.’ And so the people were restrained from bringing
more, because what they already had was more than enough to do
all the work.’ ” (NIV)
Hard to believe, isn’t it?
Maybe you’ve heard the phrase, “You can’t outgive God.”
These people knew firsthand the truth of that statement!
Do we know this truth?
What would it be like to give God so much, that we’re
“restrained” from giving more? Let’s imagine a few what ifs.
What if we made it our goal to try and outgive God? By that, I
mean what if we just gave and gave and gave—and did so joyfully?
What if we gave more than 10 percent in tithes and offerings?
What if we gave our time?
What if we gave our talents, our skills, our gifts?
What if we gave ourselves?
What if we gave to those around us?
What would happen if we actually made these what ifs reality?
In Bondage
The Israelites—God’s chosen people—were in bondage a long time.
“Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430
years” (Exodus 12:40 NIV).
The Israelites were slaves of Pharaoh, and he treated them harshly.
He had them beaten and forced them to make bricks in the hot sun.
They were tired, thirsty, oppressed and living without hope.
Four hundred thirty years is a loooong time to be in bondage.
None of us have been in bondage 430 years.
But to be in bondage for even one day is too long.
Anything that keeps us from becoming all God wants us to be is
considered bondage.
Some of the things that keep us in bondage are . . .
Low self-esteem.
The list can go on and on.
Why not ask God to reveal anything in your life that could have you in
He set the Israelites free . . . and He is willing to set you free as well!
Please pray for me this weekend as I speak in Anderson, MO.
His Beautiful Creation
Throughout Scripture we’re often reminded of how God displays
Himself through nature. We’re told that the trees of the fields will
someday clap their hands in praise to Him. We read that every living
thing will rejoice in our heavenly Father.
One of the most exciting places I’ve seen God revealed in glorious
nature is in Alaska. It can be breathtaking!
I’ve been there four times and I’ll be speaking there again this fall.
But I want to go back in 2019.
And I want to take YOU with me.
You read that correctly.
I want us to go to Alaska together.
So Susie Shellenberger Ministries has put together a “friends and
family” cruise to Alaska for June 1-8, 2019.
I know the benefit of getting away and letting God refresh me.
I need this.
You may need it as well.
So I’ll be speaking in our own private services on this exciting cruise.
And Kathy Slamp—another Christian speaker—will also be
ministering in our services.
Besides that, we’ll also have some amazing praise and worship, a lot
of fun, and an incredible time of ministry together.
But you’ll also get to enjoy the shows that the ship provides, because
we’ll have our own sessions at a different time than the ship’s
And the offshore excursions when we dock at a variety of ports are
amazing. You can choose from a variety of options.
If you’d like to email me for more information, I’ll send you the full
brochure with all the details. Will you please pray about joining me?
This will be an amazing time of ministry, an exhilarating adventure,
and the spiritual restoration we all need.
Shoot me an email at:
This weekend I’m speaking in West Columbia, SC, and would
appreciate your prayers.