Not Easy

In Matthew 7:14, Jesus proclaims that the gate leading to heaven is really small. And the road leading to that small gate is extremely narrow.

He goes on to say that few even find it!

How can that be?
We have millions in churches around the world every Sunday!

Could it be that most people who claim to be Christians
really aren’t even on the narrow road?

It’s not easy to be a Christian.
It’s not simply a matter of signing on the dotted line
and reciting words on a screen.

Redemption for sinners cost God His only Son.
It cost Christ His very life.
It will cost us no less.

Real Christianity—genuine faith—transforms the heart.
And when our hearts are changed, our behavior also changes.

Our desires change.
We no longer want the things the world has to offer.
Sin loses its appeal . . .
we hunger for holiness.
We yearn for more of Jesus.
Our hearts cry for intimacy with Him.

Priorities change.
It’s no longer about us.
It becomes all about Him.

EVERYTHING becomes about Him.
Our entertainment.
The way we relax.
How we dress.
How we spend our money.
The way we respond to injustice.

The narrow road isn’t announced
by a large exit sign on the interstate.
It’s found where we least expect it.
Sometimes thorns are seen growing next to it.
Sometimes we hug smelly people,
hold dirty hands
love those who are mean
in order to walk on the narrow road.

That’s hard.
But that’s where Jesus walked.
and I want to be inside His footsteps.


I’m speaking at the East Ohio District Ladies retreat this weekend.

Please pray for us.

He Holds my Hand

The psalmist struggled with seeing evil people prosper.
We’ve wondered about that as well, haven’t we?
Often times we see the wicked do well,
while the godly are left out, overlooked and forgotten.

While it often seems this way right now . . .
We must remember we live in a fallen world.
By striving to keep our focus on the future
and all that God has in store for His children—
we can live in confidence that He truly is in control.

You can see the psalmist wearing his feelings on his
sleeve when you read what he says in Psalms 73:21-23
as he struggles with watching the wicked prosper:

“Then I realized that my heart was bitter,

    and I was all torn up inside.

I was so foolish and ignorant—

    I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you.

Yet I still belong to you;

    you hold my right hand.”

Aren’t you comforted by this last sentence?
No matter what happens around you,
God reaches for your hand!

The psalmist says he’s bitter—all torn up inside.
We can identify, can’t we!
Who among us hasn’t felt like this?

He’s torn up inside because he’s trying to make sense
of what’s not right in the world around him.

But in the midst of his bitterness . . .
he comes back to one FACT:
God holds his right hand.

Even more incomprehensible than the wicked succeeding
is the FACT of God’s love.

He keeps loving us.
Continues to hold us.
Sustains us.
Shows us how to endure.

And through it all . . .
He never stops reaching for our right hand.

the God of all creation . . .
the Great I AM . . .
intertwines His fingers within ours.

And makes us one with Him.

This week . . . no matter what happens around you,
focus on the FACT that God holds your right hand!


My 95-year-old aunt just went to be with Jesus. She had a full life, taught at SNU and MANU, traveled the world and loved living. I’m so glad I’m home for three days. So glad I got to be with her, read the Bible to her, sing to her, kiss her forehead, and tell her she’d be with Jesus soon and our family would join her at some point. God is so faithful. He’s not only our hope . . . He is our living reality!

Jesus Went Away

We’re told in Luke 5:16 that Jesus often withdrew—
got away—

He sought time away to strengthen Himself in prayer.
If Jesus needed to get away . . .
how much more do WE need that?

That’s why I’ve put together the
“Friends & Family Getaway” cruise
through Susie Shellenberger Ministries.

Not only will this be a BLAST—
but it will also be a time of spiritual refreshment,

I’ll be speaking at our sessions—
along with fellow evangelist
Rev. Billy Huddleston.

You can still attend all the shows the ship offers—
but on top of that,
you get our own group’s sessions
with praise and worship
and messages to take you deeper spiritually.

The cruise isn’t until 2018.
So why am I telling you about it now?

Because I reallyreallyreallyreally want you to come.
And I’m hoping with this much advance notice,
you’ll have time to make it happen.

The dates are January 14-20, 2018.
We’ll depart from Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
We’ll stop at four ports in the Bahamas AND
in the Dominican Republic.

The least expensive room for two people is $809 a person.

The cruise line let me give a $100 discount off the total cost
of the cruise for everyone who signed up by Oct. 1.
But that date has passed.

And yes, several have already signed up.
But YOU haven’t.
So the cruise line is graciously allowing me
to extend the $100-off deadline until Oct. 28.

That’s just three weeks away!
You can sign up by calling Carla at Priority  Plus Travel: 251-423-0900

You’ll need to make a $100 deposit—
and she’ll reserve your room—
and you’ll get $100 off each person’s cruise price in your group.

Why do I want you to sign up so early?
Because the cruise line will give up our empty rooms
to the general public.
By signing up this early, you help us keep the rooms.

And the best part?
EVERYTHING is totally refundable until Oct. 1, 2017.

This cruise is going to be an amazing spiritual retreat!
Will you pray about joining me?

If you want me to mail you an informational brochure,
please email me at: and give me
your complete mailing address—it’s a paper brochure that
I send through regular mail.

Anchors Away!

This weekend I’m speaking at a District Ladies retreat in Michigan.
I’d sure appreciate you praying for us.