Jesus Lite, Part 2

The call of Christ to repent (turn away from sin)
is radical.

Many Christians have asked Jesus for forgiveness
(confession) . . .
but still haven’t repented.
In other words, they’ve never walked away from
some of the sin they’ve sought forgiveness for.

Many hold onto some “favorite sins,”
attend church,
join in the praise and worship . . .

But many are wrong.

Jesus told us to count the cost before we follow Him.
That’s because following Him costs a LOT.
The price is everything.
It’s radical.
It’s tough to swallow.
It’s hard to embrace.
But it’s right.

We can want God’s love, grace, forgiveness, blessing
and an amazing eternity with Him—
but never get it.

Because many of us have been misinformed about
how to get it.

Billy Graham believes that only 50 percent of all people
who attend church will actually go to heaven.

Jesus confirmed this when He told the parable
of the 10 bridesmaids in Matthew 25 and compared it to
who’s getting inside the Kingdom of heaven.
HALF of the bridesmaids made it.

Does that seem hard to believe?

Many of us have given Jesus “Gumby-like” qualities.
We bend Him and shape Him to fit our needs.

We believe that He is all-patient.
All merciful.
And ever-affirming.

We’ve overlooked the fact that He came to proclaim
the Kingdom of heaven—
not to upgrade my self-esteem
make me happy
meet all my needs.

Does this seem harsh?
It’s truth.
You see, the true gospel is a call to self-denial.
It’s not a call to self-fulfillment.

God’s Son is not “Jesus Lite.”
And unless we accept the totality of Christ,
we’re not accepting Him at all.

Yes, He is love.
But He is also holy.
And He cannot tolerate sin in His Kingdom.

So instead of telling ourselves we’re getting into heaven
simply because we prayed a little prayer years ago
during Vacation Bible School—
maybe we need to start looking at our lives.

Have we really given ALL to follow Him?
Are we truly living in radical obedience
to the Lordship of Jesus Christ?

[More next week.]


I’m speaking in Sharpsburg, GA Sept. 11-14.
I’d sure appreciate your prayers!

Jesus Lite

I have fond memories of being able to purchase $3 worth of chocolate-covered peanuts from the candy counter at Sears Department store when I was a little girl.

The candy counter has been gone for a long time,
and the peanuts, popcorn and chocolates have been
replaced with flat-screen TVs, tablets and remotes.

The more I travel and speak (43 weeks/weekends each year),
I’m seeing churches filled with folks who believe they can order a specific amount of Jesus.
A “diet form” of the real thing.
A “Jesus Lite” if you will.

They don’t want all of Jesus—
Just enough to make them feel good on Sunday mornings.
But guess what—
God isn’t giving away only a little bit of Jesus.
God isn’t into “Jesus Lite.”

It’s an all-or-nothing deal.
Jesus Himself told us to count the cost before we say we’re going to follow Him (see Luke 14:25-34).

So how much does it actually cost to follow Him?

(Yes, this big space is intentional. I want to give you time to let the answer soak in.)

It will cost you absolutely

(Again, intentional space. Think about it before you continue reading.)

Absolutely everything means . . .

And everything isn’t $3 worth of Jesus.
Everything will never be “Jesus Lite.”

I’ll share more next week.


[I’m speaking at the Fall revival at Ohio Christian University next week. Please pray for God’s presence to be all over the place.)