My Right . . . or God’s Will?

Abraham and his nephew Lot had numerous animals,
family members
and crops.
In fact, the area became so crowded the land
could no longer support them.
It was time to split.
Abraham gave Lot first choice.

“I’ll tell you what we’ll do. Take your choice of any section of the
land you want, and we will separate. If you want that part over
there to the east, then I’ll stay here in the western section. Or, if
you want the west, then I’ll go over there to the east” (Genesis
13:9 LB).

Abraham had the “right” to choose first.
To give that right seemed foolish to those around him.
But Abraham was more focused on surrender to God
than demanding his rights.

We can cling to our rights . . . but we’ll forfeit God’s blessings.
I love what Oswald Chambers says about rights:

“Whenever our right becomes the guiding factor of our
lives, it dulls our spiritual insight.”

You see, by choosing to focus on our rights . . . what’s mine, what
should happen, me first, my title, my position, my status . . . we miss
the joy of total surrender to God’s holy will.
And isn’t this what sanctification is all about?
Yielding to HIS will.
Being fitted with HIS yoke.
Living in HIS choices for my life.

THIS is true freedom.


Can you help?

Hey, friends!

Once in a while, I use this site to share something personal.
And I want to do that today.

Many of you know that each summer for the past 20 years, I’ve taken
students and adults on two-week mission trips to Central and South

(If you’re interested in joining me NEXT summer, let me know!)
But this summer we’re headed to Ecuador and are $2,000 short in

Would you pray about making a donation?
Because Susie Shellenberger Ministries is a 501-C 3 non-profit
organization, I can send you a receipt for tax purposes (just like when
you tithe to your church). But don’t send me your tithe! Give that to
your church.

If God leads you to do this, we need it as soon as possible.
You can make your check to Susie Shellenberger Ministries and mail
it to: 7012 N. Lake Front Drive, Warr Acres, OK 73132.

Any amount will be greatly appreciated!
And I’ll mail you a receipt for taxes.

Susie Shellenberger

Sorrow Into Joy

On April 30 of this year, I had to say goodbye
to my little four-footed furry friend Obie.
This little gray Schnauzer had seen me through a lot—
a major career change,
two moves,
the death of my 95-year-old aunt,
the death of my 93-year-old dad,
and many more life events.
Amos (my other little Schnauzer) and I were forced
to find our “new normal.”
And God was so very, very faithful.
He walked us through the grief and helped us smile again.

I LOVE Psalm 34:18 from the Living Bible:
“The Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking.”

I attended two funerals this week.
Moms of two of my dear friends passed away recently.
And I was reminded once again that:
“The Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking.”

Whether it’s a mom, a spouse, a friend . . . or even a pet . . .
God understands our hurt.
I’m so grateful for a Savior who truly cares about
Only GOD has the ability to turn our sorrow into joy.
“ . . . weeping may stay for the night,
     but rejoicing comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5 NIV).